Everywhere you turn you see people and technology—and both are disrupting the way things have “always been done.” In the auto industry, the latest disruptor on the horizon are semi and fully autonomous vehicles. Tim’s Truck Capital and Auto Sales in Epsom NH has already witnessed a shift in this direction. And here’s a big question: how will these disruptions impact auto insurance?
For more than 100 years, there’s been a pretty standard auto insurance model. Drivers have been insured based on age, gender, driving record and experience. But with all this technology “disruption,” things are about to change.
Significant change is coming with the emergence of autonomous vehicles. With the popularity of ridesharing and autonomous vehicles, it appears there will be less individual vehicle ownership. In addition, the younger generation doesn’t seem interested in owning vehicles. With Uber, Lyft, Zipcar and other auto services like them, the personal auto sector is seeing decreasing market share and that will continue to grow.
Don’t be surprised if auto insurance products begin to include cyber security and liability. Telematics included in vehicles certainly increase the risk of having a vehicle hacked and the potential of someone else taking control. With this new risk, where does liability lie? Who will be liable for the safety of autonomous vehicles: drivers, auto manufacturers and technology makers of sensors and software? What about the government, who is building and will regulate smart sensor-enabled roads? There are way more questions than answers, but stay tuned. No doubt more disruption is on the way!
Let Tim’s Truck Capital Disrupt The Normal Car Buying Experience
Tim’s Truck Capital, where you’ll find the best used cars for sale in NH and the best used trucks NH, has been serving the Concord area since 1983. We can help you find the right vehicle—with the right technology—to fit your lifestyle and your budget. And our finance experts can help you drive it off the lot today! Comes see us soon!
904 Suncook Valley Hwy
Epsom, NH 03234
Phone: 888.659.1537
Website: http://www.timstruckcapital.com