Fuel prices are low at present but it won't be this way forever. Seeing how trucks are notorious for low fuel efficiency, it makes sense for truckers to find ways to reduce the fuel consumption of their vehicles.
Some tips are common knowledge, like avoiding idling & quick acceleration and maintaining proper tire pressure. These tips are good but they won't help you reduce your fuel consumption by much. You need some radical tips to truly make a difference over time. Tim's Truck Capital can recommend three such tips that will increase your truck's fuel efficiency by as much as 3mpg.
The first thing to do is to install a cold air intake. Second, add a free flow exhaust system. Third, replace the computer programmer on your truck. This can either be a replacement chip or a plug-in programmer. The best thing is, all of these modifications will cost you only $1,000 but save hundreds each year in improved fuel efficiency.
For example, if you drive for 20,000 miles each year and you get 15 miles per gallon from your truck, you are probably spending somewhere upwards of $4,000 per year on fuel. If you undertake the changes that we've recommended, you will break even in about 1.5 years. After that, it is all savings.
However, before you go for these alterations, remember there is no right or wrong decision. It is your truck. So you have to do what is best for you. If you want to buy a truck or test ride one in Epsom, New Hampshire, please contact Tim's Truck Capital today.
Keywords: Fuel prices, low fuel efficiency, fuel consumption
Tim’s Truck Capital & Auto Sales Inc.
904 Suncook Valley Hwy
Epsom, NH 03234
Phone: 888.659.1537
Website: http://www.timstruckcapital.com/?ibp-adgroup=SE_Target