Did you know that in the U.S. a vehicle is stolen every 45 seconds? In fact, 765,484 vehicles were stolen in 2016 alone, up 7.6 percent from 2015. At Tim’s Truck Capital and Auto Sales in Epsom, NH, we know how much you depend on your truck, SUV, car or crossover. It’s how you get to work, day care, important meetings and adventures with your family. That’s why we put together a list of things you can do to reduce the chances of your vehicle getting stolen.
It’s super important to keep your vehicle locked all of the time. Whether it’s parked in your driveway, at the mall or gym or your place of business, keep it locked—even when you’re driving! It’s also important to never leave your car running and unattended. It’s just too tempting to a car thief.
It’s also wise not to leave valuables in your vehicle, especially if they can be seen by passersby. And this might surprise you. You shouldn’t leave your vehicle title or registration in your car. Should it be stolen and the car then pulled over by a police officer, it would be easy for a thief to show it to him. If you do need to leave it in your vehicle, find a great hiding place for it that only you and other drivers of that vehicle know about.
It’s super smart to install an anti-theft deterrent in your truck, SUV or car. If you don’t have one already, the service experts at Tim’s Truck Capital can install one for you. A steering wheel lock is also effective.
If you’re in the market for a dependable, high quality used trucks NH, we hope you’ll come see us at Tim’s Truck Capital. We even have plow trucks for sale! We’ve been making drivers happy in the Concord area since 1983.
904 Suncook Valley Hwy
Epsom, NH 03234
Phone: 888.659.1537
Website: http://www.timstruckcapital.com/?ibp-adgroup=SE_Target