Did you know that every time a wheel is mounted onto the axle with a new tire, it needs to be balanced? This ensures that the weight is even around the axle. Why does that matter? If your tires are unbalanced, it can result in uneven pressure on the treads which causes the tires to get too hot and wear unevenly. Tire imbalance also puts strain on the wheel bearings and suspension system.
How are tires balanced? Wheel balance is checked on a wheel balancing machine that can sense even a miniscule 1/4 ounce difference in weight around the wheel! While it’s hard to believe that such a slight difference in weight would make such a big difference on a heavy wheel, consider that this small amount of weight travels very fast around the axle - up to hundreds of times a minute! This slight imbalance can create just enough momentum to cause serious vibrations. If you multiply this imbalance times four wheels the wobble can really add up. Fortunately, technicians can fix the problem by placing tiny off-setting weights at specific points around the wheel to bring the tires back into perfect balance.
However, just because you’ve had your tires balanced you can’t just forget about them. Unfortunately, the minute you leave the service station with your newly balanced tires, they’ll start to get out of balance again. Every bump and corner has an effect on tire balance, as does tire wear. It doesn’t take long before your tires will be out of balance again. That's why it's important to have tires balanced regularly.
How do you know if your tires aren’t properly balanced? Warning signs include uneven wear on the tires and vibrations at speeds over 40 mph, especially if the imbalanced tires are on the front. The service team at #Tim’sTruckCapitalandAutoSales recommends you have your tires rotated and balanced every 4,000 to 6,000 miles. We also recommend you have them balanced any time a tire is replaced or patched.
Tim’s Truck Capital’s reliable and dependable service team cares about your safety and your vehicle. Come in for a check up. And, if you’re in the market for a new car, truck, SUV or minivan, our friendly sales team is ready to help you find your perfect vehicle. Check out our services and inventory online at www.timstruckcapital.com or come into our Epsom, NH showroom.
Tim’s Truck Capital
904 Suncook Valley Hwy
Epsom, NH 03234
Phone: 888.659.1537
Website: http://www.timstruckcapital.com